COMING SOON CLUBS PROJECT It's been a long time in the making but, with any luck, CLUBS PROJECT is an upcoming monograph about the activities of the influential Melbourne artist initiative. To be launched at the NGV Art Book Fair, 2025. 🤞

COMING SOON Unimposing Form by Benjamin Woods / 2025 / 135x200 / 84 pages / perfect binding / ISBN 978-0-9756242-1-0 /
Unimposing Form is an essay book that rethinks the relationship between form and matter in forming practices, including and exceeding sculpture. These essays explore the potential of the work of philosopher and psychoanalyst Luce Irigaray for rethinking forces of sculptural formation through an exploration of the practices of Barbara Hepworth and Lygia Clark. When put into generative dialogue with theory from Jacques Derrida and Suely Rolnik, Irigaray’s conceptualisations of the interval, difference, relation, and affection enable a rethinking of tensions and conventions at play between notions of form and matter.

COMING SOON Abolishing Chance This booklet follows the life of some outdoor typography and its struggle against feet, as mediated by the ghost of a French symbolist poet. Purchase of this publication allows download of the accompanying typeface, Mum's Ghost.

mouth mouth, to the skin on boiled milk, quail eggs eaten from the hand in fog make everything aphrodisiac by Rachel Schenberg. mouth, mouth was written to accompany the exhibition mouth mouth with artists Ceel Mogami de Haas, Miriam Kongstad, Toon Fibbe & Laura Wiedijk at BIKINI Space in Basel, CH, Summer 2019. Skin was written during Sabrina Soyer's how to become... workshop at The Cheapest University, Paris. First published in how to become a body double, DQ press, 2017. Quail Eggs was written in Rotterdam, 2018. Collected together as three small